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Arizona Resilience Fund

Grants and/or low-interest loans on distributed residential solar installations.

On-Bill Payments

Grants for “Arizona-solar” projects, providing benefits of solar to

low-income and historically underserved communities

through bill credits.

Rural Resilience Zone

Grants and/or low-interest loans  for solar and storage projects  for families

in rural Arizona.

Workforce Development

Grants for entrepreneurial support organizations, community colleges, certification and education scholarships.





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$165 million in total bill savings for low-income families in Arizona

This represents an average of 42% in annual savings per participating household.


61.2 MW of new solar deployment for communities facing barriers

Focused solar deployment in low-income, disadvantaged, rural, and tribal communities.


$21 million investment in workforce development in Arizona

Solar For All will fund community college trade certifications, contract-based financing tools, and grants for small businesses, start-ups, and growth-stage companies. 


2.4 million tons of avoided CO2 emissions

This represents an average of 42% in annual savings per participating household.


Massive pollution reductions and health benefits across the state.

With this initiative, Arizona will experience a reduction of 508,000 bs of PM2.5, 2.9 million lbs of NOX, and 1.5 million lbs of SO2.


Energy burden lift for 0-60% AMI households

Those in the 0-30% AMI category will experience up to 14.6% shrinkage in energy burden.


Enduring climate resilience & pathways to prosperity for Arizonans

Solar for all generates $96 million in capital mobilization and establishes a $40 million revolving loan fund.

Solar Panels

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